Marketing Agencies: How To Add An Extra $50k-$100k/mo in 6-12 Months

…while booking 100+ qualified appointments with decision-makers of high-budget companies and removing yourself from the agency’s day-to-day

…while booking 100+ qualified appointments with decision-makers of high-budget companies and removing yourself from the agency’s day-to-day

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Who is this for?

This is ONLY for marketing agencies looking to acquire more clients and scale

  • If you run a marketing agency that wants to increase their revenue by $50k-$100k/mo.
  • ​If you have experience delivering results and just need more qualified leads to speak to
  • ​If you have capacity to take on more clients, but lack the system to book enough qualified sales calls
  • ​If your open to try new systems and have an open mindset
  • If you're relying on referrals and inbound to grow your business 
  • ​If you've tried cold outreach but couldn't find success with it
  • ​If you've burnt money on agencies or courses without seeing tangible results
  • ​If you want to work with high paying clients, while removing all low-paying ones 

Recent Partner Interviews 

How Flax Labs Added An Extra $120k/mo in 90 Days 

How Rockstarr & Moon Added $27k/mo in 6 Months 

How Conversion Time Added $17k/mo in 5 Months

How Does The Process Work?

Offer Creation

  • We will help you use data to find the most profitable niche that needs what you're offering
  • ​We'll help you build a proven offer which helps you sign 6 figure clients
  • ​We'll help you collect case studies and build sales assets to pre-warm and pre-sell prospects
  • We will help you implement our sales system into your business, allowing you to close at 20-40%

Attention Generation

  • We'll give you our market research methods to find out exactly what your prospects want to hear so that you can stand out from every other agency
  • ​We help you launch a personalised value-driven marketing channel which will get you in touch with 2,000 a day without spending a dime on ads 
  • We'll give you the system to book qualified, ready-to-buy prospects into your calendar for you or your sales team

Sales Systems

  • Once the machine is booking meetings, we'll show how to optimise your campaigns to book 10-30 qualified bookings per month
  • Once you have a predictable stream of new prospects, we'll give you the blueprint to remove yourself from the sales process
  • Finally, we'll help you remove yourself from the sales process and bring on additional reps so that you can sign new, high-paying clients on autopilot - without having to book meetings or get onto sales calls

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